Instant Pot Weight Watchers Recipes

Instant Pot Weight Watchers recipes actually exist, but they’re hard to come to by. I just started the Weight Watchers plan about 1 1/2 weeks ago, and the first thing I did was go and find as many Instant Pot Weight Watchers recipes because I love my Instant Pot. I probably use my Instant Pot a little bit more than what I would like to admit to, but I feel it’s one of the most fantastic kitchen appliances that I’ve ever used. It saves me so much time in creating meals for my family.

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My problem? As a blogger, I live a more sedentary lifestyle. I’m sitting down for hours on end doing research, writing, and graphic design work. Then the non-stop eating kicks in. I used to have amazing eating habits and could always be found at the gym 4-5 times a week when I worked outside of the home. However, It’s not a real option for me as I’m always busy working, taking care of my nephew, taking care of my special needs sister, and trying to keep the house a little tidy.

Click to Visit Instant Pot Weight Watchers Database

If you click the button above, you will be taken to a HUGE database of Instant Pot Weight Watchers recipes! Each of the recipes has a FreeStyle point associated with it!! It’s been a huge project, but I have loved putting it together. I just KNOW you’re going to love it, too! I’ve taken the time to run all of the recipes in the database through the Recipe maker to add up all of the points to help save you time and effort.

Amazing Instant Pot Weight Watchers Recipes you'll love making a part of your daily life!

A week and half ago, I said to myself that enough was enough. There had to be a better way, and I had to start treating my body better than what I had been. Everyday, I could found buying a bottle of Pepsi and 2 cans of the small Starbucks Double Shots of espresso & cream. When you’re admitting the truth to yourself, it can be a little liberating, but also make you become very emotional in trying to figure out how you allowed this to happen to yourself. I’m so used to weighing about 175-185 pounds. As of 1 1/2 weeks ago, I weigh 247 pounds.

Instant Pot Weight Watchers Recipes to the Rescue

As of today, I have officially lost approximately 4 1/2 pounds and all thanks to following a Weight Watchers diet and counting my Smart Points! It took me a while to find some enjoyable Instant Pot Weight Watchers recipes on Pinterest and Google, but I eventually found some after searching for a few hours. I stuck by the recipes, and I started noticing all of the changes.

Click the Save This Button to Save on Pinterest

I have to admit, it was SUPER TOUGH the first day of not having any type of soda. I could feel my body going through the sugar withdraws, and I literally wanted to peel the skin off of my teeth. At times, I found myself almost grinding my teeth. I breathed through it, and drank a ton of water. Every time I wanted to (WANT TO) snack on sweet and salty treats (Cheezits are the death of me), I drank water. Can I be blunt? I have never in my life peed so much. I feel like I’m a walking water fountain. However, I made a plan and I am sticking with it. I’m not going to stock until I lose this weigh off of my belly. I want, and need, to be healthy and live a healthier life.

If you’re looking for Instant Pot Weight Watchers recipes too, then I here to help you out! In helping you out even further, I’ve created a meal planner printable for you! One is full of recipes and Smart Points for the week (Monday through Friday), and the other one is blank for you to fill in with what you want and to help track your points for the day. To download them, you can click on the download buttons underneath the images that I am providing for you. I’m always breaking the recipes down into 3 categories: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Just to keep it organized.

**Please Note: I didn’t assign SmartPoint values to these recipes. The original recipe link source did, and I’m just making life easier. WW did change point values for about 200 items in their new FreeStyle and Flex program. I’m still very new to points. If the points are updated to reflect system, then I will update it. WW currently now has 3 different types of plans: Blue, Green, and Purple. Please note these points for the Blue MyWW plan. Most recipes should be reflexive of it, but some are not. They are very dependent upon the individual recipe creator.

Instant Pot Weight Watchers Recipes for Breakfast

Instant Pot Weight Watchers Recipes for Lunch

Instant Pot Weight Watchers Recipes for Dinner

Here’s the meal planner that I made for you to help you out. The download button is below the image!

Free Printable Weight Watchers Meal Planner

There are two different types of Weight Watchers meal planners that I created. The first one is an example of one to utilize for your weekly meal planning saga, and the other is blank so you can create your own!

Instant Pot Weight Watchers recipes free printable meal planner

Click Here To Download Instant Pot Weight Watchers Meal Plan

Here is a blank meal planner for you to use so you can make up your own meals, and theres a place for you to enter in your SmartPoints to keep track. The download button is below the image.

Instant Pot Weight Watchers recipes free printable meal planner

Click Here To Download Instant Pot Weight Watchers Blank Template

Whatever your goals are, maintain your weight or lose weight, I hope you enjoy all the true benefits of the combination of the Instant Pot and Weight Watchers. Once I find more amazing Instant Pot Weight Watchers Recipes, I’ll be sure to update my list for you all! I’ll also let you know my progress, and a list of foods that i want to eat…but didn’t.

Click to Join my Instant Pot Weight Watchers Group on Facebook

More Weight Watchers Recipes:

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  1. Heads up- the points aren’t right on some of these anymore. Chicken and eggs are now free, and that doesn’t reflect.

    1. Good morning, Deb! The points were actually provided by the recipes sites themselves. I was just trying to be more resourceful and providing the points that were supplied next to the recipes. I know that things have changed, but I’ve only just begun my WW journey and am not so proficient at it yet.

  2. Mr. Murphy
    Thank you so much for sharing all this information in an easy to use format! What a great boost to my own confidence as I struggle with healthy diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes that I KNOW are essential immediately. Your post for today was a blessing, even to anyone NOT on a formalized plan.
    Good wishes for your day and much encouragement for the future, sir!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Izzy! I’m so happy that this was a blessing for you <3 I wish you the best on your journey!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this and all your work in doing so. I will join Weight Watchers this week and this will help a lot! I have join many times but this year is my year to succeed! Good luck on your journey.

  4. I could give you a big, squeeze hug right now! I am fairly new to the IP world and have just returned to WW; could use some help with both. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    1. You are so welcome, and I’m sending you a hug! Welcome back to WW, and I hope you enjoy your new IP! It can be so overwhelming when you get started, but it will become easier…I promise!

  5. Thank you for sharing! I’m excited to find this on Pinterest & will plan to start trying these recipes soon. I am overweight, my son is overweight, & my oldest daughter is following behind (balancing on the border). I want my family to eat healthier. I am not in WW & don’t plan to join so I’m unsure what the points represent, but just with how much I ❤️ my IP, knowing we’re not eating a bunch of junk, & regular exercise will surely make me feel better (& they’ll not even know the difference 😉).
    Can I ask…how much, on average, is your grocery bill (understanding it will vary by recipe & region) per week/month?

    1. I’m so super happy and so very proud of you and the changes that you’re about to make in your lives! Honestly, it’s a little tough at first. At least, it was for me. Then I got used to eating healthier and making more responsible choices. I have a food addiction, so it’s been a slight struggle for me; however, it’s totally gotten better over time. PLUS there’s nothing better than making amazingly delicious and satisfying food. Nothing beats it!
      I have a family of 6, so my grocery bill winds up being around 600-800 a month….with using coupons and trying to find amazing deals. I wish you the very best of luck!!

  6. David-thanks for this resource! I’m a pretty picky eater but I’ve just gone back to WW (after reaching lifetime membership five years ago!) and my resolution this year is “better choices”-not just with food but everywhere. I got an IP from my girls for Christmas and I am loving it and learning how to cook old favs in it and adding new favs, too! Your post gave lots of great ideas and I can’t wait to try some of them. With all the freestyle options, I know you are just going to LOVE the new WW and also make great choices! Living a healthy lifestyle is a choice every minute of every day but it is sooooo worth it!

    1. You are so very welcome, Janet! I’m already loving everything that I can eat while making healthier choices for myself. As of today, I’m almost at 10 pounds lost!! You’re so correct that it’s definitely worth it.

  7. David, thank you for this guide. I am new to all of this and my instant pot has not yet arrived but is ordered. I look forward to trying some of these recipes and hoping I can lose weight along the way. Thank you again for providing these helpful resources!!!!

    1. Hi Michele! You’re so very welcome. I’m glad that you love this resource! I plan on making more and more of them to help us all out along our journey! You can do this! You’ve got this!!

  8. I just reworked the egg frittata in freestyle! Using skim milk and low fat cheese, it’s 3 freestyle points per serving!
    I’m very excited to try this!!!!

  9. David, i still remember when the scale got unstuck on 232. I was so excited watching my numbers go down but because I choose not to attend meetings I had go one to share it with. Sense Starting Weight Watchers in September 2017 I have dropped down to 212. I still have a long way to go but the trip is half the battle. Thank you David for posting these recipes. My new I P should be here in a couple of days.

  10. This came at just the right time. Not only am I trying to shed pounds but I just started using my IP too. I also have a special needs daughter so I can relate to many of the stresses and time crunches associated. Some nights I just have to abandon all meal plans and make something work quickly. This is a great starting point for me. Thanks!

  11. Thank you for this resource. I will check out the recipes. I am fairly new to the IP and do not cook at all. I look for recipes that are well written with clear steps and details. I am not in WW now but have been in the past. I am very interested in good quality nutritious meals that help me maintain (and now loose) weight. So thank you for putting this together.

  12. Hi I just signed up for WW and came across this page looking for recipes. Could anyone please help me with what exactly is an instant pot? And where may I purchase one? Are certian brands/models recommend above others?


    1. Hi Sandra! an Instant Pot is the brand name of electric pressure cooker; however, you can use it as yogurt maker, rice cooker, sterilizer, and so much more! I totally recommend the DUO Plus 60! I definitely love mine.

  13. I have a Crockpot Instant Pot and I also love it! Here is one recommendation though, if you are considering purchasing one. Look for the removable bowl to have a coated lining, (teflon or whatever it is now). The one I have has that and it is wonderful, so easy, nothing sticks and is just a dream to clean up. I noticed at Walmart that one of theirs had a stainless steel bowl, maybe that would be ok, but I sure do like the coated bowl. I got mine when Amazon had a sale on them in December and it’s been a workhorse ever since. I’m looking forward to using it this summer and keeping the house cool.

    1. I’ve got an instant pot as well, I’d recommend the STAINLESS STEEL inside.. they clean up easily and what doesn’t is easily removed with 1/2 and SOS steel wool pad. The nonstick finishes are not healthy for you.

  14. I just found your site here & am very happy to see things I can try & make for me & my son who has been begging me to help him lose weight. I am going to try & follow your recipes & hopefully both of us will see results soon. Thank you & I might have questions sometimes because I want to do it right for the best results. Off to the store. Thank you!

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