People are at the Core Value

We’re always on the looking out for the perfect ingredients to add to our ever growing list of recipes, and would love to have YOU as a key ingredient in our cooking process!

If you’re that special ingredient that we’re missing out on, then feel free to submit your resume to: [email protected]

Social Media Engagement Specialist

Do you know how to get the people speaking and engaging on posts? Do you feel like you’re a mind reader of what people want? If you said YES, then continue reading.

  • Loves Showing the quirky, fun attitude we exude
  • Must be a great Meme-ologist (Curating and creating)
  • Short feature description
  • Doesn’t mind trying out new things to test the waters

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik

Creative Recipe Content Writers

If you love writing about food, and can write without having to be led to water, then you might just be one of the fabulous ones we’re looking for!

  • You gotta know a little about WordPress (A must)
  • You should know what Alt Text means
  • You understand how Blocks and Patterns in Kadence work
  • You’re a little bit on the thorough side

Image by Freepik

Creative Recipe Potion Maker

Do you consider yourself to be a magician in the kitchen, where you love mixing all of your fantastic potions together and out shoots chocolate covered whatever? We’d be cool to learn more! We just need to make you that you can do some of the below:

  • Accuracy of ingredient amounts.
  • Love of lighter airy photos of ingredients. We love moody, but it’s not our jam.
  • Be able to take constructive criticism and turn them into cookies.
  • Knows how to label photos and videos.

Image by pressfoto on Freepik