Quarantine Christmas Ornaments To Remember 2020

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll love all the feels that these Quarantine Christmas ornaments will give you. 2020 has been one heckuva year, and these ornaments make the year a bit more bearable. If anyone tells you it’s too early for Christmas this year, you just tell them to worry about themselves and play all the holiday music!

So, if you’re looking for a gift for yourself or a loved one, then I’m sure one of these will help you spread that Holiday cheer!

But can we be honest for a moment? We’ve lost so many loved ones, family members, friends, jobs, and businesses, and we’re all trying to find a way to cope with our current situation. This post isn’t here to down play that. I only hope that for that for a moment, I can make you smile.

I can’t hang “me being thankful that my family hasn’t been impacted by COVID” on a Christmas Tree. I can’t hang “I’m so thankful to working again” on a Christmas tree.

You can make these Christmas Butter Cookies to enjoy while looking through this fabulous selection!

Big Dot of Happiness 2020 Quarantine Christmas Ornaments

You get a set of 12 of these Buffalo Print ornaments! They’ll be your constant annual reminder of that time we all ran out of toilet paper and bathed in hand sanitizer. Also, a slight reminder to spread a little joy.

Pandemic Christmas Ornament 2020

This double-sided holiday Christmas ornament pretty much sums up the year right? If 2020 had a sign this would be it for sure! Not to mention it features our favorite grumpy holiday character, The Grinch!

Couple Ornament 2020 Our First Pandemic

This pandemic led to a lot of people meeting their new favorite person. Now you can solidify that memory forever with these custom couple ornaments! They even feature the famous toilet paper and masks.

Quarantine Christmas 2020 Keepsake Ornament

Whether you’re using them for your own tree or someone else’s this Quarantine Wooden Christmas Ornaments is a great gift to commemorate the experience that is now 2020! The 2020 Review Ornament certainly gets the gist of it all.

Santa’s Toilet Paper Roll Christmas Ornament

Flashbacks might ensue with these handmade toilet paper ornaments but it’s a great conversation piece for years to come! 2020, the year that saw the rise of toilet paper sell-outs worse than a snow storm about to hit.

cleaning supplies quarantine christmas ornament

Pandemic Christmas Stocking 2020

Who else seriously thought of gifting these same cleaning supplies for Christmas this year? This way may be the only way you can find some of these anywhere right now.

Face Masks Christmas Tree Ornament

Remember 2020 well with the new fashion addition for everyone, the mask! Whether you love ’em or hate ’em, they’re here and they’re not going anywhere so throw some humor and holiday cheer on the tree.

our first christmas quarantine christmas ornament

Personalized Masks at Home Family Christmas Ornament

The lockdown and closures left us all with new experiences in our lives. Now you can customize your quarantine ornament with your favorites persons name (or maybe not so favorite after this year).

Hand Sanitizer Blown Glass 2020 Unique Christmas Ornaments

Now you can adorn your tree with one of the most sought after consumable non food items of this year. Remember how you couldn’t find a single bottle in the whole town? Now you have one on your tree!

santa with mask quarantine christmas ornament

Santa Clause with Face Mask

Show the family that even good ‘ole Santa Claus is on board with mask-wearing this holiday season! It’s almost like his beard game stepped up and covered his entire face. Of course, Dr. Fauci already informed us that Santa Claus is immune, but here he is in all of his masked glory!

This year has been rough, we’ve adapted with lockdowns, schools closing, working from home, and more. Things may be different this year but you can turn it into something joyful with these festive Quarantine Christmas Ornaments that anyone can see the humor in.

Christmas Recipes & Crafts You’ll Love

If you love making Christmas recipes or Christmas crafts, then you’ll love taking a look at these fun ideas!

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