Brewton Parker College Changed My Life
Brewton Parker College Changed My Life
With spirits brave and goal that’s worthy,
Students loyal and true,
We will ever sing the praises of the Orange and Blue.
We have loved her, we have served her, noble cause proclaim.
So we’ll now and then forever sing Brewton-Parker’s fame.
Brewton Parker College Is An Amazing And Wonderful College
How many people can say that their college experience changed their life and helped mold them into a better person? I can! I will use my most feeble words to tell you how. But I hope to shed some light to you, as Brewton Parker College has shed light into my life.
My Background Story
I was 12 years old when my mother decided to move me and my 2 sisters from New Jersey to Georgia to start a new life with us after she separated from my father. I remember us living in a battered women’s shelter, and remember being proud of my mother for making the decision to leave my father and to leave my step father (both of which were not the best of human beings). Off to Georgia we moved to a small town of Collins, GA. We didn’t have much but the small things we were able to pack up. Unfortunately, we lost a lot of things in escaping the evil of these “men.” Both of these men were alcoholic, drug addicts and both physically and mentally abused us on a daily basis. My biological father abused us and punched holes in the walls of the houses we lived in, so we had to move around a lot. Because of moving around a lot, we were always behind in school. It hurt me a lot because going to school was my mental relief to get away from the madness that I called life. The moves always put me 6 weeks behind, so I was always having to study harder and make better grades. No matter how hard I tried, the educational system always stated that I was academically ineligible to participate in groups and organizations the first half of the school year, which was slightly depressing to me.
After I was enrolled in to Reidsville High School (which is no longer in existence), I had my goal of being the first person in my family to attend and graduate college. That was my dream. Moving to Georgia was not a true blessing on my healthy. My allergies came into to full storm! I was always sick because of the different allergies, and was on hospital homebound for school very often. I still made straight A’s, but I wasn’t physically in school. 2 months into the 11th grade, I was told I was going to be “too old” to graduate from highschool and was kicked out. My heart broke because my dream of going to college of squashed. I didn’t know how I was going to go to college, and I fell into a deep depression.
Brewton Parker College Shed Light In My Life
I was attending an amazing church called Reidsville Baptist Church. RBC was the turning point of my life. God placed amazing people into my life, and would help me obtain my goal. Tammy Harvey and Hildegard Stanley sparked a fire inside of my soul. They both encourage me to take my G.E.D. and enroll into Brewton Parker College. I was explained that BPC has an open door policy, and that I should take the entrance exam and move forward. God Bless the both of them for that encouragement! I took the G.E.D. and received a scholarship from Georgia to go to college. Before college started, I took the SAT and scored high enough to receive more scholarship money. In fact, I was in such a different world because of the financial aid I was able to get to attend college and start my new journey in life.
Attending Brewton Parker College helped heal so many wounds in my past, and gave me hope and a renewed life to move forward. During my journey in BPC, I became close to God and was able to fully give myself to Him. I loved singing, and joined the choir my first year. Singing in the choir was another amazing experience for me. People lifting their voices up to God in praise and glory, no matter what else in life was going on. We had each other. We prayed for each other constantly, and gave God the praise that He deserved (and deserves).
The students and staff of Breton Parker College are even more amazing! We helped each other out through the most difficult times in life, and lifted each other up in the most amazing times in life. The students were always helping each other in learning the true person who they really were. We are always creating study groups, while having water wars with other fraternity and sororities on campus. I made some of the most amazing friends in this journey. They declared nothing but love and support for each other. There was division of class, skin color or nationality. The students welcome and support each other. The students only saw another human being in need of someone. They saw me in need. I will thank them for this for the rest of my life. Many of us are still very close to each other, and that makes my heart so much lighter to know that I am still loved and thought of by them.
The Faculty And Staff Of Brewton Parker College
The professors are simply outstanding and a true blessing. They go above and beyond the call of duty. The professors had an open door policy. If they were in their office, that meant that they were there to help you understand topics, encourage you through what ever you were going through, pray with you when you were in need of prayer, they would open their homes to private study sessions or throw home made candy and pizza parties (we even learned how to cook pizza on a grill! Thank you Dr. Dobbin!). The professors made everything about the students and how to improve the students over all well being in life…not just educational. Some professors learned of my background, and they pushed me even harder beyond my limits. Well, beyond the limits that I thought that I had. Before long, I was an acting TA for professors and I was tutoring students. It gave me a full sense of pride and made me realize that I had no educational limits in life. Only I would be responsible for keeping myself back from reaching goals that I didn’t even understand that I had at the time. They pushed me to my fullest potential. The professors and faculty members at BPC were another set of parents. I didn’t have a real home to live in, and my dorm mother knew of this. Her name: Ma Helen. She always made sure I had a new dorm to move in or let me stay in the same dorm. I always had shelter, food and clothing because of the amazing staff at Brewton Parker College. They are true beacons of light and love. They are true stewards of God for showing nothing but unadulterated faith, love, and hope. They had such a powerful impact on my life.
My Life Forever Changed Because Of Brewton Parker College
I’m am the biggest advocate for Brewton Parker College. I received an amazing educational experience. BPC is forever engraved onto my heart and etched into my soul. BPC will never be erased. It is because of the students and faculty at Brewton Parker College that I am the man that I am today. A man of God. A man of purpose. A man whose life has been changed and formed by loving community. You see, BPC is not just a college…it is a community. A community of love, support, encouragement, and prayer warriors. They didn’t let my past dictate who I was to become, they relied on the present presence in molding us into who were becoming.
If you don’t know what college you want to attend or financially support, then I HIGHLY encourage you to attend Brewton Parker College. It will be an experience you will remember for the rest of your life. I had so many opportunities to transfer to bigger universities, but I would have missed out on the valuable gifts and tools that Brewton Parker College has given to me. BPC will give you the same gifts that it has given to me. This is my own personal testament of what the college has been able to do for me. To learn more about Brewton Parker College, go to:
It is a decision that you will not regret. God Bless you for reading my post about BPC, and I look forward to having a part of my Alumni Family of Brewton Parker College. Here are some more amazing Links for Brewton Parker College:
Main Website: Brewton Parker College Website
Admissions: BPC Admissions Information
History: All About BPC
Alumni: BPC Alumni Information and Life
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or leave a response.
Wow. This is a very moving post. We need more young men who are surrounded by people and places that are uplifting. I really enjoyed reading this. It’s obvious what an impact BPC had on you!!!!
Thank you for your kind words. 🙂
What a positive and hopeful story. 🙂 I applaud your conviction and ambition! 🙂
Thank you so much Jessica! I appreciate it 🙂
David, knowing you, I would imagine that you had just as much of an impact on
BPC as BPC did on you! I was blessed to be an adjunct professor of speech at BPC for about 20 years. Those night classes and those hard-working, motivated students made me realize why I wanted to be a teacher in the first place. I was given the freedom and encouragement to share my faith with the students, so it became a ministry to me as well as a part time job. I graduated from a small college in Missouri – Southwest Baptist College (University now) quite like BPC. I had the same experience there that you did at BPC. Thanks for sharing this!