Become Inspired – Inspire Others

The New Year is coming upon us. This is a time that we usually reflect upon the past year and make person commitments to ourselves of what to do better next year. We all come up with our “New Year’s Resolution” list.

Admit it.

You already have one made.

Lose weight. Drink Less. Smokes less. Enjoy life more.

Have you ever thought about just to Become Inspired?

I have so many things that inspire me, and it’s my hopes that my own inspiration INSPIRES others to do the same.

Here’s my hopes:

You inspire others to inspire more.

Help spread goodwill to others.

Do Random Acts of Kindness, and expect nothing in return.

To do selfless acts to others in need more than you.

To give up your own Thanksgiving dinner. (Read Here for the story)

Instill belief in mankind.

Take a moment to educate others in kindness by showing kindness.

To be less angered by smaller things in life (There are bigger things in life to worry about. No?)

Create hope for those that feel hopeless.

That choose to start the day with happiness, instead of despair.

That only YOU can choose to be you, and celebrate in the happiness and love of yourself.

To show love to others unconditionally.

To not judge others.

To respect the differences of others.

To share the joy of life with others.

To learn the difference of text messages & emails VS phone calls and hand written letters.

To not focus on materialistic things.

To give the shirt off your back for someone in need of a shirt.

To let others break down your wall you have built around you; let them in. You need them.

To give others permission to make you happy, without even knowing it.

To help spread the love of God.

These are all hard and difficult decisions. Mostly because people will think, “What about me? I need that.”

Do you really need 30 shirts, when you know someone only has 1?

Do you really need a new laptop, when you know of someone that is hungry?

I leave you with these thoughts, as I will be keeping these same thoughts in my head.

God Bless.

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