Yummly: A Great Way To Find And Organize Recipes!

Yummly: A Great Place to Store, Organize, and Find Amazing Recipes!

Yummly: A Great Way To Find And Organize Recipes!

If you know anything about, then you know I love recipes: Creating, Finding, and Organizing them. I so happy to have met Yummly! Yummly Is a great place to find, store, and organize all of your recipes in a digital online recipe box! I love Yummly because I have found so many amazing new recipes to try out! However, I have one problem: I’m always writing and printing recipes up…and I really have no organizational skill in keeping them together.

Here, let give you a great example of why I love Yummly and how it has saved my recipe organizational life, and how to get started. You can visit my Yummly Page where people have Yummed my Yummy Recipes! Yeah…I used Yum in 3 different ways!

Yummly online recipe box

Here’s a few steps to take:

  1. Create your account and online profile
  2. When you come across a recipe on the web, look for the YUM button on the sites social media share bar. If the website doesn’t have a YUM button, then simply add the YUM button to your browser. I use Google Chrome, and It’s as easy as drop and drag onto your bookmark bar!
  3. When you YUM a recipe, it gets added to your Virtual Recipe box that you can visit whenever you want! This is just genius and I’m in love with this aspect.
  4. Now, login to your account and click on your Recipe Box. Once there, you will all of your recipes that you’ve YUM’ed!
  5. On The YUM button that’s attached to the recipes, you will see a little arrow on it. Click on it, and then you will see the different types of recipes that you can organize it on. The recipe that I currently have highlighted is Starbucks Doubleshot Espresso Chocolate cupcake! Oh yeah…that definitely deserves a YUM in my book! So, I click on the arrow on my recipe, then I click on the right recipe category for it that I feel it belongs in. I will be putting this in my Desserts section.

As you can see, Yummly is an amazing resource for Home Chef’s…and even Bloggers! If not for Yummly, you all wouldn’t be able to see a lot my amazing recipes that I create share with everyone! Join in the Yummly revolution and start Yumming your favorite recipes now!

Don’t forget: If you see a recipe you like (or love), then give it a YUM to save to your recipes! If you have any questions, please let me know and I’ll be happy to answer any questions that I know I can help with!

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