We Send Angela Cards In The Mail

We send Angela cards in the mail for all types of holidays.

I have a small confession to make: Stephen and I put cards in the mail for Angela throughout the whole year, especially during her birthday and holidays. When I say holidays, I mean every single holiday.

Angela is emotionally high maintenance. She truly doesn’t understand that some holidays are not equal to other holidays. A great example is Valentine’s Day. She’s under the assumption that she should be getting cards in the mail in little presents from everyone. To her, it’s like a mini Christmas. She understands that presents aren’t going to be wrapped and all of that fun jazz, but she always has her mindset that she will receive gifts of some sort – definitely cards.

This where it is always so tough on Stephen and I in knowing if we are doing the right thing by her. I’ll explain what I mean with that sentence, and I think it will make more sense soon. I promise!

When someone promises to send Angela a card in the mail, whether it be for her birthday, Christmas, Halloween (yes, she expects cards on that day), or if she’s just hoping someone will send her something…Stephen and I fulfill it. We’ve had to explain to all of our friends that if you tell Angela that you are going to send her something, to please send it. It doesn’t matter if it’s late or early, just send it. We completely hate when someone says that they will do something for her, and then they don’t.

Listen, we understand that life happens…but Angela’s brain doesn’t care. She’s not wired that way to understand that concept. We do give people the benefit of the doubt. We wait for a day or two before holidays and her birthday before we step up to the plate.

We have an arsenal of all different types of cards. Most of them are just colorful, and some have some popular Nick Jr and Disney characters on them. We stay stocked up on cards, so the “world” can live up to her emotional needs of requiring cards in the mail.

If she doesn’t get one from certain people, family or friends, she will get depressed, she will cry about how she isn’t loved or that she was forgotten, or she will have meltdown about it. These are not fun things to have to watch her go through. We don’t know if we are keeping her programmed with a mindset that she will receive cards in the mail during certain times of the year or not, but we figured that it’s a super small thing that we can do to help mentally appease her. It brings her joy and she gets so giddy, so how could be deny her of that? It hurts us seeing her so hurt over it, and then us trying to explain of why she didn’t need to get a card…but then that gets us frustrated that we get so worked up over the topic.

Yes, sometimes we will say that it’s from Mom, or Grandmom, or some other family member, or even one of my blogging friends. YES! I totally use my blogging friends’ names because she’s in love with what I do, but that’s a completely different subject that we can talk about later. Anyway, we also will shove a couple of dollars in the cards, too. She loves getting money, but then again who doesn’t?? However, as soon as she gets the money, she is ready to run to the dollar store to spend it all on coloring books, crayons, and maybe something for baby dolls to wear.

Now, she has no clue that we do this for her. I always slide the cards in my pocket and make sure that the front of the cards are filled out with her name and address on it, and I normally put a pretty sticker in place of where the stamp goes. I then will go and “check the mail” in our outdoor mailbox area, and then magically come back with cards for her and the other junk mail we get.

I am so very thankful for my many amazing online friends that I’ve never had the chance to meet. You truly don’t understand the joy that you have brought my sister for when you have sent her cards with little stickers, and photos of your animals (which she keeps safe and close to her), and little drawings. She loves them all so much, and I love you all for you having sent them to her. Know that this isn’t in anyway directed towards you. You are so greatly appreciated and loved!

Well, I have some coffee to drink and need to get some cards ready for her soon. You know…because Valentine’s Day is coming up, and the princess requires cards and maybe a $1 or $2. We’ll see. Definitely lollipops though!


  1. Hi! I just stumbled across your blog last last night… do you have an address that readers can send cards to your sister? Our children breed rabbits for show… we could send her some pictures of bunnies too 🙂

  2. I have just come across your blog. Can you provide an address for your sister? I would love to send cards.. especially if she is not expecting one. I have three dogs who are goofballs and I can send pics of them.

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